A Day in the life of an Agile Ready User
9:30 am: Product Owner Shannon logs into a team virtual meeting with her ZapCar Software Team. She’s excited to see the Find Charging Stations Prototype. She had sent User Interface mockups and a workflow chart last month to the team.
As the team demo’s the software, Shannon’s heart sank. “Team, I’m really sorry but this is big miss. Looks great but the flow is all wrong.” The demo continues with extensive discussion then her scrum master speaks up, “Shannon, I got a list of what we need to fix, do you have time now as the team is together to talk about how we got here?” “Absolutely,” Shannon said.
Several team members expressed struggles with understanding the workflow despite email exchanges with Shannon. They started to review the User Stories for the work and found many of them were not that good and left much to interpretation.
Shannon then spoke up, “Team, I can see how you guys struggled. I need to do a better job of managing the User Story quality before you start sprinting. But I need you also to tie your questions to the User Stories because a lot of the work was not tied to any user story.” The team and Scrum Master agreed with Shannon, the whole team needed to up its game in writing and refining User Stories.
Shannon said, “my business systems analysts and I have been testing a new User Story rating tool, Agile Ready, and know it can help us get user stories ready for sprinting. It rates them for quality and also checks acceptance criteria and notes for readability. We’ll roll it out asap and use it in the next backlog refinement meeting. Does this work?”
Everyone on the screen nodded in agreement. Shannon said, “Great. Lets get Agile Ready!”
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